What happens when you leave a negadungeon

Negadungeons are cursed places. You don’t enter a negadungeon chasing promises of wealth and fame (at least not usually). You enter a negadungeon chasing obsessions.

Smart adventurers (or players) avoid negadungeons like the plague. Sometimes they enter a dungeon and as soon as they notice something’s off, they leave.

Leaving the Negadungeon Unfinished

“Unfinished” is an ambiguous, arbitrary term, and must be interpreted by the referee according to her own campaign and style. An “unfinished negadungeon” is generally one that is left:

  • before at least half of it has been explored,
  • without finding/destroying/solving the main item/monster/mystery

Save vs Curse

When adventurers escape from a negadungeon, each must make a saving throw vs. magic. Those who fail are cursed.


Roll a d6 to find out the effect of the curse on your character (and any accompanying NPCs). The curse will activate during sleep (the next time the victim sleeps).

  1. Every morning you wake up with blood on your hands. You did something during the night but you don’t remember it. But maybe someone saw you do it.
  2. Every night you dream of the negadungeon, your sleep is restless and there is a 1-in-6 chance that the next morning you will not be able to prepare spells. If your class doesn’t allow you to cast spells, lucky you!
  3. You have seen it in your dreams. Something important to you (a child, a spouse, a family heirloom, your lucky pants) is deep in the negadungeon. You don’t know if it’s really there, but what is certain is that it’s not where it should be (at home, among your possessions, etc.)
  4. You find them everywhere. Instinctively you recognise them. They are the original inhabitants of negadungeon. They are spectral apparitions, a pair of disembodied eyes watching you from a distance, a voice calling for “help”. Every morning you must make a saving throw vs. magic or you will automatically lose initiative in all your encounters for the day (in group initiative, you are considered a separate group).
  5. You have been marked by the dark sign. This sign, visible as a scar or tattoo on your face, is like a lantern that attracts moths, but in your case it attracts chaos. Each night you must sleep in an area bright enough to prevent you from resting (the next day, all your rolls are made at a -1d4 penalty); otherwise, 1d4 undead will appear at any time during the night, automatically winning the surprise roll.
  6. Animals hate you. You can’t ride horses, stray cats and dogs might attack you, crows want to steal your eyes, animal-based food makes you sick.
  7. Animals talk to you, you can understand them. They have nothing important to tell you but they’re annoying. You may need to make a saving throw vs. magic to avoid responding to them with irritation, especially in front of others, who probably think: “Hang the witch!”
  8. In stressful situations (combat and many actions requiring dice rolls), you must make a saving throw vs. magic or you’ll begin to bleed from your genitals for 1d4 turns, suffering one point of damage each turn.

Identical results are rolled again. Each time a result has been rolled, the referee must create new options.

Get Rid of the Curse

The only way to remove the curse is to fulfill the obligation that the curse has placed on you. This obligation can be something as “simple” as returning to the negadungeon and completing it (explore more than 50%, solve the mystery, eliminate the monster, obtain the treasure, perform a purification ritual at the dungeon’s heart, retrieving the relic, rescuing the spouse, sacrificing an animal… the options are endless!), or something as elaborate as completing a multi-step ritual over several days or weeks, which would lead to one or several more adventures.