Goblin’s Guide to Gutter Talk

All goblins are foul-mouthed, and some are so rude and vulgar that their insults actually harm their targets. These nasty goblins are called Wiseacres.

A goblin Wiseacre knows 1d6 aggravating insults and can use any of them, in any combination, as many times as her Wisdom modifier.

To create a goblin Wiseacre, take an ordinary goblin and roll 3d6+1 to determine her Wisdom modifier. If the result is between 13 and 19, congratulations! You now have one of these nasty individuals.

Taken from Advanced Labyrinth Lord

The Goblin’s Guide to Gutter Talk

Here’s a small collection of aggravating insults:

1. Bristling Imbecile
Duration: 1 turn
Effect: The target receives an electric shock (1d4 damage), her hair stands on end, and her Wisdom is reduced by -1.

2. Sniveling Maggot
Duration: Until one night’s rest
Effect: Inflicts a minor disease upon the target, reducing her Constitution by 2 (this can actually kill!).

3. Wretched Oaf
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Effect: Fills the target’s mind with self-doubt, imposing a -1 penalty on all rolls.

4. Mewling Coward
Duration: 1 round
Effect: Induces uncontrollable fear in the target, forcing her to use her combat action to flee as far as possible from the goblin. Save versus magic to negate.

5. Stumbling Buffoon
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Effect: Causes the target’s coordination to falter, reducing her Dexterity by 2.

6. Mold-spewing Dimwit
Duration: 1 round
Effect: Creates a burst of mold and spores around the target, causing her to be blinded until the end of the goblin’s next turn (-4 to hit).

7. Slobbering Fool
Duration: 1 minute
Effect: Fills the target’s mouth with drool, making it difficult for her to speak, and impossible to cast spells.

8. Rat-brained Dunderhead
Duration: Until one night’s rest
Effect: Infects the target’s mind with confusion, causing her Intelligence to be reduced by 1.

9. Infested Dolt
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: Releases a swarm of tiny maggots onto the target, dealing 1d3 damage and leaving her nauseated for one round.

10. Filthy Scoundrel
Duration: 36 hours
Effect: Covers the target in a vile stench, causing her to be detected easily (no surprise), and a -2 penalty to Charisma.


Chaos Magick-User, Vagabond, Dork

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